9 Oct 2011

NEW! Designer Line Markvardsen on apropos100

New post on apropos100!
Read about Line Markvardsen - chief designer and founder of the Danish fashion brand "Edith & Ella" and "EPOQUE".

ファッション・デザイナー Line Markvardsenをご紹介します。
彼女のオリジナル・ブランド「Edith & Ella」(エディット&エラ)と「EPOQUE」(エポーク)をどうぞご一覧ください。
→ apropos100 - Line Markvardsen

6 Oct 2011

ayanomimi supports "10 million people's action SAYONARA-nukes"

"Sayonara to Nuclear Power Plants!" Rally
54 nuclear reactors in a country, which is slightly smaller than California. At the same time Japan is one of the countries with most earthquakes in the world. To build more nuclear reactors in Japan is unnecessary and an irresponsible act by the government towards its citizens and the rest of the world.
The beautiful landscape of Fukushima may never return, but this is a chance for us to rethink the future of electricity supply. Not only in Japan, but around the world.

ayanomimi supports all actions against building new nuclear power plants in Japan, and the actions requiring the termination of existing nuclear reactors:

ayanomimi  petition
Goal: 100 petitions 
Deadline: December 20  2011
To support: If you live in Copenhagen please contact ayanomimi
From outside Copenhagen: Please go to link, print, and send → Sayonara-nukes

Support a responsible (and human) choices of electricity supply for the future.  
I hope you will use a few minutes to browse through the links on this page. 
Thank you.


Iwaishima – 30 years of protest: read more

Sep. 19 2011 – 50.000 action Japan: read more

Sayonara-nukes – 10 million people’s action: homepage

ayanomimi は「さようなら原発1000万人アクション」を応援します。
