18 Mar 2011

ayanomimi Red Cross Denmark

(English: scroll down)
ayanomimi har startet en indsamling til ofrene for tsunami og jordskælvet der ramte Japan d.11 marts. Indsamlingen sker igennem Dansk Rød Kors, og støtten kanaliseres direkte til Rød Kors i Japan. Hver en krone tæller, og jeg vil blive rigtig glad for jeres støtte for mine landsmænd.  

Japanerne har vist en utrolig solidaritet og vilje for at komme igennem disse hårde tider. Hvad de har brug for nu er vores hjælp, så vi kan sikre så manges liv som overhovedet muligt.
De skal vide at de ikke står alene!

Jeg håber at I vil støtte denne indsamling og sprede budskabet til jeres venner og familier.
Klik videre HER→  ayanomimi for Dansk Rød Kors (Siden er på dansk)

På forhånd mange tak for jeres tid og hjælp.

ayanomimi has started to collect donations through Red Cross Denmark for the victims of the tsunami that hit Eastern Japan (March 11th 2011).  The donation will be channelized 100% to Red Cross Japan. 

People living in Japan has shown an amazing solidarity and humanity in these hard times. What they need now is our help to save as many lives as possible. They need to know that they are not alone!

Please support by donating and by spreading the word.

ayanomimi for Red Cross Denmark (This site is only in Danish)

Your help would be greatly appreciated,

8 Mar 2011

Returning to CBS / 卒業してから2年

I am currently preparing a presentation for Copenhagen Business School (CBS) about 'how companies can use culture as a strategic resource to create consumption'.

As an alumni it is always an honor to get the opportunity to return to the university as a guest speaker. At the same time I look back on the past two years and wonder what I have experienced and learned. I want to be one of those guest speakers, who once inspired and motivated me to study intercultural management:)

